
  • 29 March 2023

    Technological know-how for the extrusion of PP-R and PP-RCT pipes

    PP-R (Random) and PP-RCT (Random Cristallinity Temperature) pipes, copolymers of polypropylene, have rapidly established themselves on the market in recent years due to their unique chemical and mechanical properties and the associated benefits in terms of performance and low environmental impact.
  • 22 March 2023

    Automatic and self-cleaning filtration at constant pressure

    Per ottenere polimeri di elevata qualità nei processi di riciclo, la filtrazione è una delle fasi più importanti. A tale scopo Break Machinery ha sviluppato il sistema DUO a doppio filtro che permette di ottenere la massima produttività garantendo un’alta qualità del prodotto finito.
  • 22 March 2023

    CMG at Mecspe as exhibitor and speaker

    At Mecspe (BolognaFiere, 29-31 March) the recycling machinery manufacturer, CMG Granulators, will be exhibiting its latest innovations dedicated, in particular, to injection moulding, blow moulding and post-consumer recycling sectors.
  • 15 March 2023

    Tria granulators go to the cloud

    An Italian manufacturer of machines for the recovery of plastic waste, Tria is developing together with the Swedish company CombiQ a new service that can be activated both for new purchases and for granulators already in the customer's possession, which will be called Tcloud.
  • 07 March 2023

    Blow-moulding machine for sustainable industrial packaging

    The brand new blow-moulding machine PB50ES-1000 Coex3 developed by Plastiblow for the production of stackable 20-litre jerrycans with 3-layer wall through a 2-cavity mould features a clamping unit with a closing force of 50 tons, three high output horizontal extruders, one with a diameter of 100 mm for the middle layer and two with a diameter of…
  • 01 March 2023

    Technology and materials for sustainable coffee capsules

    All'edizione americana dell'evento organizzato da AMI sulle capsule monouso per caffè, in programma il 7 e l’8 marzo 2023 a Tampa, in Florida, Sacmi presenterà gli sviluppi in corso nella tecnologia di stampaggio a compressione multistrato, i materiali con essa utilizzabili e come essa contribuisca a migliorare la sostenibilità a livello…
  • 01 March 2023

    Unveiling at the Illig Technology Day

    One of the world leading technology providers for packaging and thermoforming machines, Illig, will be unveiling its latest sheet-processing thermoforming machine, the UAF, on 22 March, 2023. The new system for forming technical parts will be showcased at the Illig Technology Day at its company headquarters in Heilbronn (Germany).
  • 24 February 2023

    Two 8,000-ton Engel giants in Kentucky

    Austrian injection moulding machine manufacturer Engel has set a new record with two injection moulding machines delivered to the USA. With a clamping force of 8,000 tons each, they are the largest machines ever built at the St. Valentin plant in Austria. The two Engel duo 130000/130000H/8200 combi US machines were placed at Infiltrator Water…
  • 20 February 2023

    The anniversary press for a century of Arburg

    The 100-year anniversary of the Hehl family company has set the stage for Arburg's latest piece of machine technology, the hybrid Allrounder 470 H. This anniversary machine delivers an impressive performance across the board: it saves energy, conserves resources, is production-efficient, user-friendly and reliable...
  • 09 February 2023

    Maag at Chinaplas as specialist in recycling

    Maag Group is a broadly diversified global solutions provider of pump and filtration systems, pelletizing and pulverizing systems, recycling systems and digital solutions. More and more new developments in plastics are being made in China, one of the strongest growth markets in the world. Maag Group takes this...
  • 07 February 2023

    Integrated lines for insulating panels

    Dedicated to manufacturing turnkey plants and machinery for the manufacturing of PIR and phenolic resin-based insulation panels for the building and construction industry, Cannon Ergos now offers integrated systems and machinery for the post-processing stage of insulating panel production lines...
  • 01 February 2023

    Modernizing production through digitalisation

    Swiss company Autoneum operates five Dieffenbacher automotive component production lines at its Sevelen site. Together with Dieffenbacher, Autoneum has now extensively modernized one of the lines, a GMT/LFT-D line for glass-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics. One highlight of the project was the introduction of...